Mehmet ÖZMEN

Keywords: Hatay-Erzin Başlamış,plant names,plant names in Latin,plants’ names and variables,word compilation


The words for plant names have been collected from Başlamış village in Hatay-Erzin region. The names also represent the characteristics of the region around Erzin and Dörtyol. Since each plant has various names in Turkey, plants names must be compiled together with their Latin versions. The Latin versions of the plants in this dictionary, except few were compiled by the Botanist Necattin Türkmen. Besides, the words collected were compared with those in the Derleme Sözlüğü (Dictionary of Compiled Words) and Türkçe Bitki Adları Sözlüğü (Turkish Dictionary of Plant Names) of Turhan Baytop and Turkish Language Institute's Turkish Dictionary. As the plant names were widely used by the general public, they are compiled and used in partially normalized form, not in the translated forms. To provide easy usage of the dictionary, an indexcontaining Latin names of the local plants have been also added to the end.