Keywords: Bakhtiyar Vahabzade,national independendce,poet,“Gulustan”,“Independence”


During all his stages of creativity, the prominent Azerbaijan poet, Bakhtiyar Vahabzade enriched the traditionally rich Azerbaijan poetry with his original lyrical poems. In the years when social-philosophical lyrics were predominant Bakhtiyar Vahabzade remained faithful to the tradition of writing pleasant poems. The poems "Dodagda gez" (make noise in the world), "Biri sansan, biri man" (one is you, one is me), "Bahanem" (my excuse) written in the 1960s, and the poetic samples "Kapanak" (butterfly), "Insan goyde ay kimidir" (human is like a moon in the sky), "Kusende" (when quarrelled) written in the 1970s and 1980s were not only examples of the period in which they were written, but also, all in all, of the whole Azerbaijan lyrical poetry. Yet, in the periods when Vahapzade walked ahead in the street demonstrations at the end of the last century, and when he was struggling for strengthening the independence of his motherland, the lyrical poems such as "Omur gatari" (life train), "Man aldanmaq istemiram" (I do not want to be deceived), "Sansizliyin ichinde"(in your absence), "Borcludur" (he is in debt) reflect the infiniteness and inexhaustibleness of lyrics in the depth of the poet's heart. That the celebrated Azerbaijani composers compose the majority of his poems is closely connected with the easy transformation of exceptional lyrical poetry, harmony and sincerity into music.

In general, Bakhtiyar Vahabzade is one of the greatest founders of national-poetic independence of the Azerbaijan literature. That he was awarded with the "Independence" order which is one of the superior awards displays visually the high estimation given to the people's poet who served honestly for the independence. The name and profession of Bakhtiyar Vahabzade, the great herald of the national independence, are the literary-national treasure of Azerbaijan and the whole Turkish world.