Keywords: clearity,honesty,editorial ethic,scientifıc security


The principles of the scientifıc ethics should not be confused vvith the judicial lavvs and religious principles. For that reason science as own ethic principles and they show difference depending on the different scientifıc branches. The fırst person who mentioned the scienîifıc ethics was Hippocrates (V BC), and it appeared in the other branches of sciences.

One of the main principles of scientifıc ethics is trustwortiness. The scientist does not let his political, religious and some of his personnel opinion effects his scientifıc works. Among the principles of the scientifıc ethics can be mention cleamess. A scientist can not keep his scientifıc studies because of his own advantageous.

The scientifıc publications should also obey the principles of scientifıc ethics. One of these principles is to make publication in order not to support any religious, political or national ideas. But they are not against the society where they are published. They do not provoke the society. Contrary, they have to be teacher and luminous. Scientist should be responsible in front of his students; it is not enough that he teaches scientifıc knowledge to his students, but he have to teach the principles of scientifıc ethics.

Scientist should not be treated badly because of his nationality, political ideas or religion he believes. He should be supported fınancially.

Novvadays there is a good relation betvveen science and industry, and it uses scientifıc knovvledge. But this relationship creates problems and they have not been solved yet. One of them is nuclear power and its negative effects on human health.