Keywords: The People’s Houses,theatre,Republic of Turkey,drama,Adana


H alkevleri (The People's Houses) were foundations which kept up their activities between the years 1932 and 1951. Their purpose was contı ibuting to the social and cultural development o f the public in accordance with Mustafa Kemal Atatürk's principles and revolutions. Besides, they weıe the solııtion, considered as raising the consciousness of ıepublic and creating a cultural progress with the enthusiasm of republic, for deterioriating risks against modem Republic o f Turkey vvhich vvas under the effect of both economic crisis o f 1929, and second World War. At the stage o f founding, they were influenced by many associations vvhich were organized with the ideology o f Nationalisın during the final era of the Ottoman, especially by organisation and activity form o f Türk Ocakları (Turkish Hearths). At the same stage, so many similar organisations o f foreign countries were also researched and examined. The People's Houses, founded in 1932 after the closure of Turkish Hearths in 1931, had various branches offered to the preference of each citizen, such as: Branch of Language, of Literatüre, of Fine Arts, of Social Aid, o f People's Education Classes and Courses, o f Library and Publications, o f Paysants, of Museum, and fînally of Drama Main purpose pursued by the Branches o f Drama o f the P eople's Houses vvas contıibuting, through theatre and vvithin the frame of such principles as " Nationalisnı, Populism, Revolutioııism ", to the constitution o f modem Turkey. Most of the members frequenting the Branch o f Drama were volunteers feeling a desire for theatre and whose hearts were full o f enthusiasm of republic. One o f the most active Branches of Drama was the Branch in Adana. Even though vvorkings o f the People's House in general and activities of Branch o f Drama in particular were realized with the claim of enriching the cultural life o f the public and rendering people conscious in total, this claim could not gain continuity because o f the conditions o f Turkey and the vvorld. Consequently, these houses were closed by Democratic Party in 1951. Yet, many researches, studies and applications that were carried out under the light of Kemalist principles, resulted in a considerable amount o f cultural and artistic accumulation. The experience, which was achieved in the field of theatre, provided a precious contribution to the ascending era o f Turkish Theatre, as started by sixties.