Mustafa KALKAN

Keywords: Ethnology,Yenisei,Mongolia,Tien-shan,ethnic assimilation,settlement policy


The settlement çenter of Kyrgyz nation is one o f the most important debate topics. It's knovvn that the Kyrgyz had lived in the area consisting o f Yenisei-Altai, Siberia, Hakas and Mongolian territories. They had been subjected to systematical deportation in the reigns o f Huns, Gök Turks and Uigurs and it resulted in the leaving their original settlement area. In this research it's put fonvard that some Kyrgyz were forced to immigrate to Tien-Shan region in the Hun reign, but not in the later periods. İn the later periods the last groups were also forced to immigrate in the Tien-shan region because o f the Karahitay and Mongol attacks. In this period there became big changes in the ethnical structure o f Kyrgyz tribes.