Zahide İMER

Keywords: Shavvls of Gurun,Shavvls of Iran


About a thousand years ago, Turks settled in Anatolia. Along the way, while migrating from Central Asia, they established a common concept of culture and arts in every State they took under the Turkish Sovereignty. For this reason it is possible to fınd the same motif in Anatolia and Central Asia. When Türkmen (Oğuzlar) settled in Türkistan, Horasan, Kirman area, and then moved up toward west, they formed the basis of the relationship betvveen Iran and Anatolia. This is why that many artworks found along this migration route have common Turkish and Iranian features. Just like the shavvls woven in Sivas-Gurun in Turkey in the 19th century sharing common features with the shawls made in Keşan and Kirman region in Iran in the same time period.