Mustafa GÜNDÜZ

Keywords: Joumal of Ictihad,Language,Turkish Language in 19lh Century,Westemization and Turkish Culture


Journal of İçtihad had very special place in Turkish culture. In arguments that published in the joumal, authors advocated Westem philosophy. Authors wrote articles about every detail in social, political, economical, and cultural life of the age. Most of the topics that published in the joumal came into life after foundation of new republic in Turkey. That means mental preparation for revolutions of new republic was done in that time. İn this article, author search Turkish and simplifıcation in Turkish arguments took place in the joumal. The joumal saw language is very important topic by publishing big number of articles and arguing with other joumals. Simplifıcation in script and daily language were the main aims. These aims were achieved couple decades later.