İdris Nebi UYSAL

Keywords: Dialectology, Word Collection, Himmetli, Turkish Dialect Dictionary (Derleme Sözlüğü)


This study focuses on the words and phrases that are collected from Himmetli village in centre of Niğde, which can be added in Turkish Dialect Dictionary. It is found that, 66 the collected words and phrases are proper to be included in Turkish Dialect Dictionary. Further more, apart from being part of Turkish Dialect Dictionary, some of these collected words and phrases (camız böcüsü, cıcıh, gözü düşmek, örtmelik, yığdırmak etc.) can be considered as sample data for field and general dictionaries. Although some of the words are not used in written language currently, they were used in the periods of Turkish history. It is thought that this study will contribute to both modern Turkish and the dialect research in Niğde region.