Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli Üniversitesi, Polatlı Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi, Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Bölümü, Ankara/Türkiye

Keywords: Yunus Emre, the double, equity double in God, critical double


Yunus Emre, with his artistic productions, which gives hope to wide masses in the atmosphere of the war with the XIII. century, establishes his lyricism in the purest form of the Turkish language and culture, unlike his contemporary sufi poets. He combined ancient Turkish wisdom with a sufistic point of view that enabled him to have followers and imitators during his lifetime, moreover his fame has reached a universal dimension by transcending the locale. Yunus Emre becomes one of the timeless personalities of Turkish culture and writing with his art and style that goes beyond the ages. Knitting his art on realizing the universe, the human, the existence and the creator, Yunus realizes the need to realize one’s own self before these intricate concepts. When his works are examined, it is seen that Yunus focused primarily on himself and developed self-awareness with this perspective. Yunus discovers that there is another being apart from his visible / known entity “covered body with meat and bone” by focusing himself. In modern psychoanalytic work, this discovery is called “the other self ” (alter ego), “double projection” and “double self ” (double).

The meaning, attributed by primitive communities to the image reflected in the mirror, soul, and shadow indicates the presence of an ontic area that the individual needs explanation other than the presence of physics. This understanding, which can be defined as the common “double”, points to the inner self that one has discovered outside of the existence of physics in modern psychoanalytic studies. Yunus Emre, who created his works centuries ago, is often thought to refer to this phenomenon. Yunus, who started by understanding himself first to understand the chaotic structure of human, turns to the other self in inside of himself. It is seen that Yunus Emre took the person to the center but criticized himself, gave advice to himself, and was aware of his own weakness instead of talking about other people. Summarizing this philosophy with the phrase “there is an I further inside me”,Yunus states that human exists on earth as part of God.The concept of “double”, which was brought to the scientific literature after centuries, is clearly observed in the philosophy of Yunus’s philosophy developed by the individual about self-perception in the 13th century.

In this study, as one of the themes reflected on the life and works of Yunus Emre, the “double” was determined; The subject was evaluated in two subtitles, namely “the equity double in God” and “the critical double” by examining the epic narratives and poems about Yunus’s life. Reading Yunus Emre from the “the double” perspective, means expressing him with current literature and explains the philosophy that people have developed about self-perception and thus brings us closer to understanding the timelessness of Yunus’s art and genius. This can be emphasized and contributed to updating Yunus’s voice by transferring it to modern time.