Selma BAŞ

Keywords: Turkish story,Mustafa Necati Sepetçioğlu,Abdürrezzak Efendi,Menevşeler Ölmemeli,object-human relationship


Mustafa Necati Sepetçioğlu, who has tried to choose his stories' subject matters mostly from Turkish history, is generally known with his novels and dramas. The writer has made compilations and research related with Turkish sagas and legends. Another genre which was produced by Sepetçioğlu is story. These are Abdürrezzak Efendi (1956), Menevşeler Ölmemeli (1972). In these stories, in which such themes as loneliness, yearning, men-women relations, concerns over making a living, sentiments peculiar to man are recounted through objects. Thus this paper intends to analyse Sepetçioğlu's stories in terms of objecthuman relationships.