Ahmet Faruk GÜLER

Keywords: Mustafa Necati Sepetçioğlu,archetype,great individual,collective unconscious,Sarı Hoca,Küpeli Hafız


In historical novels, the author tells the recovery of the nation from a very hard and bad situation using the hero as a symbol of nation. We can see that as soon as the hero starts his life in the novel, he collects and combines all the values of his nation and the author points out the hard times of the nation in the world of the hero both in a symbolic way and in a realistic way reconstructing the current facts and by this way hero not only cares about his own suffering but also shares his nation's suffering and struggles for salvation. At this point as guide for hero great individuals provided with all of a nation's values appears in the novel and affects the development and changes in hero' s character directly.

In Mustafa Necati sepetçioğlu's Kilit, Anahtar, Kapı triplet, with the presence of the characters Küpeli Hafız and Sarı Hoca, the values of the nation which dates back to past times appears. If the facts in the subconsciousness of the nation are analyzed using the great individual archetype which is one the component of Jung's Archetypical Symbolism, its values and the effects to the hero's development period can be seen easily.