Mustafa GÜNDÜZ

Keywords: Ottoman Intellectuals,Turkish Education Idea,Education and Society,Westernization in Education,Turkism,Westernizm,Islamism


Education has been overrated and it has been seen basic source of modemization in the late Ottoman period. In the early times, education has been considered as a pragmatist but later it has been added an essential character and converter. Mence education gained a vvestem form. The basic character of this is the will of modernization in society. The conflict betvveen tradition and modernization was at highest level in the Second Constitutional Period. The modernization program of the new Republic was mainly discussed and projected in this period. Hence, the impact of the VVestemist, Turkist and Islamist Intellectuals of the Second Constitational Period on the education of the Republic was great. In this article the approaches of the Ottoman intellectuals to education was examined with respect to the similarities of ideas among them.