Abdullah ŞENGÜL

Keywords: : Topkapı,Turan Oflazoğlu,historical theatre,the place narrator,historical narrator


In fictive texts, stroy-teller is a very important element. These beings which belong to fictive world, sometimes confront us with different identities. These are sometimes a bird, an object or an abstract thing. Turan Oflazoğlu's play named Topkapı, is one of the rare examples in which the historical place is history narrator. From the conquest of Istanbul to the construction of Dolmabahçe palace, Topkapı, the ad ministration center of Ottoman Empire, in this paly both central char acter and a narrator who witnessed all things and experienced. It in terrogates events in this time. The place's narrate which was center of all events witnessed all things different from other history narrator -before all things it uses an objective language- In our study the play, Topkapı will be assed from this point of view.