Ömer GÖK

Keywords: Mustafa Sâfî,Tarcama-i Jalal u Jamal,Amir Amîn al-Dîn Nezlâbâdî,Jalal u Jamal,mathnawi



Another work of Mustafa Sâfî, the author of Zübdetü't-Tevârîh: Tarcama-i Jalal u Jamal

In the field of classical literature, mathnawi is considered as one of the most prevalent genres. As history of Turkish literature is reviewed, it is seen that there are many original mathnawis and translation of mathnawis from different languages. Tarcama-i Jalal u Jamal is one of the translations of mathnawis written in the early 17th century and considered as an example of interaction between Turkish and Persian literatures. It is mentioned in Zübdetü't-Tevârîh, another important work of Mustafa Sâfî, that Tarcama-i Jalal u Jamal was translated to Turkish by the translator with the suggestion and proposal of Sultan I. Ahmed and mediation of Hafız Ahmed Pasha. It is referred by Mustafa Sâfî in Copyrigt Notice section that Persian version of the work belongs to Mevlânâ Âsafî. However, it is seen in an original manuscript of the work in Persian procured from Uppsala University that the work belongs to Emîr Emînüddîn Nezlâbâdî. It is confirmed by examining the criticized text of the work written and published in Iran by Şukûfe Kabbâdî. As a result of comprehensive examinations and scanning of the literature, it is found that there isn't any study done on the work in Turkey. It is aimed in this study to introduce the complete text of Tarcama-i Jalal u Jamal to researchers of Turkish literature. As an allegorical love story, Tarcama-i Jalal u Jamal is noteworthy with its mystical pattern as well as the convergence journey of the two characters. The characters, places and events in the translation are fully compatible with the original text. In this respect, it is possible to mention similarities between the original text and its translation rather than differences. However, it should be noted that the translator Mustafa Sâfî added praises to some parts of the work especially for Sultan I. Ahmed. The most distinctive feature distinguishing the text from the original text is the fact that it is written both in prose and verse. This situation is expressed by the translator that the prose parts are written to praise Sultan I. Ahmed, and the verse contains the story of Celâl ve Cemâl. In this article, it will be given consecutively general information about Mustafa Sâfî's life, literary personality and his works, and features of Tarcama-i Jalal u Jamal will be examined in terms of form and content.