

The Phenomenon of Not Being Free In The Novel of Kiralık Konak

Kiralık Konak is the novel that makes visible the factor threatening to human existence as the situation of not being free. Shortly, the situation of not being free is the negative form of being free (being responsible). The situation of not being free is making close of person's own oppotunities with the reactional qualified actions. These opportunities are opportunities which appear with person's encountering thing and need to be evaluated urgently. It is different from the captivity qualitatively. The situation of not being free is the closest situation when it is noticed, it is the farthest situation when it is not noticed for person like many situation which is been inside. And it makes itself visible with words and actions. At the same time, the phenomenon of not being free which is also name of a negative situation shows up in wasting of the main character Seniha's opportunities in this novel. In other words, Seniha who is also the existence reason of novel makes close own opportunities which is opened with encountering to realities of herself and people because she is fond of instrumentalization which means to use and throw. Thus she shows that not being free. In this context, we should say that the thing which makes precious this novel is making visible the factor threatening to human existence as not being free.

In this article, firstly the concept is described shortly. And it is proved that the situation of not being free is the deepest factor determining main character's actions. After, it is discussed that the indirect reasons of fond of closing and escape. And it is claimed that not being free is the direct reason of this situation.

Key Words: Kiralık Konak, the phenomenon of not being free, fondness, existence and danger.