Keywords: Industry, Technology, Science, History of Industry, History of Science and Technology


From the Ottoman to the Republic Industry, Science and
Technology Publishing Example: Fen ve San’at Journal

Technical developments took place in Europe after the industrial
revolution began to be closely monitored by the Ottoman Empire.
Since the first half of the XIX. Century, technical developments in
Europe have been brought to Ottoman geography by establishing
industrial facilities aimed at supplying the needs of the defense
Muslims and Turkish engineers and workers who were later raised in
the factories which were founded by the technical experts and then
operated by foreigners and minorities in the beginning, have worked
there. Technical articles that could be read by both employees in
the factory, as well as the students studying in engineering schools
and industrial schools and the literate were published in different
newspapers and magazines of the period, though limited.
However, the first journal fully discussed in the scientific and technical
issues about industry was published in Istanbul between the year 1914-
1921 by İbrahim Pertev named as Sanayi. Sanayi journal in 1933,
began to be re-published by İbrahim Pertev in Izmir with new Turkish
letters with the name of Fen ve San’at and continued publishing until
September 1935. After this date, it took the name of Endüstri and was
published until 1958. In this article, Fen ve San’at journal published
during the period of industrialization efforts that started in the 1930s
history by revealing its place in the development of the industry and
history of our science and technology was put forward and tried to