Keywords: Story, Narrative and Intentional Values, Ziya Osman Saba, A Photographer’s Studio For The Merry Men


A Context Analysis Of Author’s Intention: “A Photographer’s
Studio For The Merry Men”

Ziya Osman Saba (1910-1957), is known as one of the founders of “the
Seven Torch” group. His stories are noteworthy, although he has earned his fame with his poems. Saba who had lived in a happy childhood
in his grandfather’s estate, away from all this depression even though
her childhood passed through the years as an economic depression for
the country. He had to abruptly grow up due to his mother’s death and
aftermath of his lost an array of difficulties. In this respect, Saba’s both
poems and stories reflect a sigh for a happy, peaceful family’s childhood. “A Photographer’s Studio for the Merry Men” is the story which
was written by Saba when he got divorced from his first wife and it
was the period of his life while he was longing for a happy life. His
feeling about missing and values related to the intention that he placed
in the context of the story will be tried to analyze. The real intention
of the writer in the story will be tried to be solved and the way of
expression that he used to express his intention will also be examined.
From the point of view of narrative values, we see that the protagonist
who just walked out of his workplace and went window-shopping and
reached the way to a photography studio and he left the studio without having a photo taken. However, when we read the story in terms of
nuances that he placed values related to the intention in the context of
the story, we can see the opening layers of the story that have become
meaningful with the hints of the writer’s life.