Keywords: Modern Turkish story, short story, genre, typology of genre, sub-genre


Modern short story can be classified according to the relations with other genres and literary techniques and forms that it benefit. According to this classification, ten sub-genres come out as humorous story, theatrical story, portrait story, interview story, letter story, memoirs story, thesis story, melodramatic story, dramatic story, gothic story.While one or two features of tens of stories and even hundreds of stories can be expressed if binary classification is used. Many features of narratives can be illustrated by means of multiple typologies. It is thought that filling so many stories of the same author’s stories into two categories without evaluating other structural features would not reflect the diversity of the stories examined. And sub-genre divison has been done with moving from structural features of narratives. In this context, what is intended to do is not to prove the fallacy of this binary distinction; but to propose to examine the story again from the view point of other possible typologies.