A Forgotten “Emîre-i Muhtereme” in Turkish Literature: The Egyptian Princess, Ottoman Woman of Letters Kadriye Hüseyin Hanım
Keywords: Kadriye Hüseyin,woman literature,Ottoman women literature
Princess Kadriye Hüseyin (1888-1955), the daughter of Egyptian Khedive Hüseyin Kamil Pasha, attracts our attention with her literary identity as much as with her historical personality. Writing in all genres of literature, Kadriye Hüseyin had many essays published in journals in Ottoman language in İstanbul; her prose and poems drew attention of the famous names of the period like Recaizâde Mahmut Ekrem. With her rich cultural background, Kadriye Hüseyin wrote in a wide range of fields such as anthropology, women issues, history, folklore, and psychology.