Zekiye UYSAL

Keywords: Anatolian Seljuks,glass,Selçuknâme,Kubad-Abad Palace


The existence of glass has been known since the Antique period in Anatolia. Although there is so much literature on the glass of Roman and the Byzantine period, our knowledge about that of Seljuk is very limited. There is no direct information on glass production in historical sources such as Selçuknâme, manuscripts and vakfiye of the 12th and 13th century. But the indirect information related to the use of glass objects and profession names concerning glass production that are present in these sources indicates the existence of glass in the period of Anatolian Seljuks. From this point of view, Selçuknâme of İbn Bibi, Sivas Gök Medrese Vakfiye of Sahip Ata and Konya İmaret Vakfiyesi provide interesting clues. Moreover, the name "Gıyaseddin Keyhüsrev II" in the inscription on the glass plate found in Kubad Abad Palace excavations, shows that the glass objects were produced for the Seljuk Palace. Glass objects in some manuscripts on the miniatures found out to be painted in Anatolia support the idea that these objects must have been produced in the Seljuks period.